Friday, December 1, 2006


In Punjabi Ringtones English Law '''certiorari''' (Fun With Amber Latin, "to inform") is a public law relief (i.e. something for which you ask the court in order to deal with an action of the Government, council or other (quasi)-governmental organisation.) See Hindi Ringtones judicial review and Little Danni writ. An order of certiorari is given by a senior court to reverse the actions of a lower court or other (quasi)-governmental organisation which has made a decision. The use of certiorari in the UK is declining, due to the changes to the remedies available for judicial review.

Historically, certiorari was a motorola ringtones prerogative writ used to direct a lower court or tribunal to certify for review the "record" in the case.

In the U.S., certiorari is the writ that an Lanas Fantasies appellate court issues to a lower court in order to review its judgment for legal error, where no appeal is available as a matter of right. Since most cases cannot be appealed to the sprint ringtones Supreme Court of the United States/U.S. Supreme Court, for example, a party who wants that court to review a decision of a federal or state court files a "petition for a writ of certiorari" in the Supreme Court. If the court grants the petition, the case is scheduled for briefing and argument. That does not necessarily mean the Supreme Court has found anything wrong with the decision, merely that it wants to look at it for some reason. Four of the nine justices must vote to grant a writ of certiorari. The great majority of cases brought to the Supreme Court are denied certiorari, because the Supreme Court is generally careful to choose only cases in which it has jurisdiction and which it considers sufficiently important to merit the use of its limited resources.

The legal effect of the Supreme Court's denial of a petition for a writ of certiorari is commonly misunderstood as meaning that the Supreme Court approves the decision of a lower court. However, such a denial "imports no expression of opinion upon the merits of the case, as the bar has been told many times." Missouri v. Jenkins, 515 U.S. 70 (1995).

Certiorari is sometimes informally referred to as ''cert'', and cases warranting the Supreme Court's attention as ''certworthy''. One situation where the Supreme Court sometimes grants certiorari is when the Debbie Teen United States court of appeals/federal appeals courts in two (or more) comedy ringtones United States federal judicial circuit/federal judicial circuits have ruled different ways in similar situations, and the Supreme Court wants to resolve that "circuit split" about how the law is supposed to apply to that kind of situation.

Some Caseys Kisses U.S. state court systems use the same terminology, but in others, ''writ of review'' or ''leave to appeal'' is used in place of ''writ of certiorari'' as the name for discretionary review of a lower court's judgment.

In the Cingular Ringtones administrative law context, the endowment and common law/common-law writ of certiorari was historically used by lower courts in the U.S. for as he judicial review of decisions made by an introducing new administrative agency after an adversarial hearing. Some states have retained this use of the writ of certiorari, while others have replaced it with statutory procedures. In the federal courts, this use of certiorari has been abolished, and replaced by a layering his civil action under the imports large Administrative Procedure Act in a of socialist United States district court/United States District Court, or in some circumstances, a petition for review in a corridors such United States court of appeals/United States Court of Appeals.

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